S.W. Cole is proud to be featured in a new advertising campaign by Bar Harbor Bank & Trust that highlights successful businesses. Focusing on our wholly-owned subsidiary, S.W. COLE Explorations, LLC (SWCOLEx), this campaign showcased the beginning stages of SWCOLEx and the evolution of our business expansion until late 2018.
What started as a novel idea from one of our geotechnical engineers has turned into a fully-fledged roster of services that our Clients have grown to depend on and appreciate for our quality service. The professionalism, attitude, and work ethic of our drilling crews is coupled with project responsiveness and readily-available production rate examples to deliver a better experience for our Clients. To watch our featured video, please click here.
S.W. Cole Explorations is changing the drilling experience of our clients throughout New England. We have been a client of drilling firms for almost 40 years so we set out to establish an improved experience for our clients – we are a different kind of drilling company. For more information, and to schedule our services for your next project, please visit www.swcolex.com