The review process associated with Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals approvals has become a complex procedure. In addition, the Massachusetts DEP Stormwater Management Standards have greatly expanded the technical requirements within a design submission. Planning Boards and Zoning Boards increasingly use professional outside consultants to perform detailed reviews of submissions as well as to inspect the actual construction.
In addition to having the technical competence to conduct a review or inspection, the consultant engaged to do so should have sound knowledge of municipal by-laws and the proper application. Equally important is the need to be sensitive to the interrelationship between the Board and project proponents. The Town’s consultant must also bring a high degree of objectivity to the review and inspection processes.
S. W. Cole offers an approach that emphasizes establishing and working under a clearly defined and understood set of ground rules. At the outset and throughout the project’s development, we stress the need for communication with both the Town and proponent representatives and structure our review procedures accordingly.
S. W. Cole offers a complete package of construction related services. These services are provided either as an adjunct to S. W. Cole’s design efforts or as an independent service on projects which have been designed by others.
Available Construction Administration services include:
- Full or part-time construction observation
- Construction payment reviews
- Construction claims analysis
- Shop drawing and plan reviews
- As-built plans and record drawings
- Pre-construction and construction meeting attendance
- Punch list preparation
- Surety estimate development
- Daily report preparation
- Mitigation or remedial action proposal review